A quick test
After setting up your application program, print a sample document to make sure the program and the FX are communicating properly. If the document doesn’t print correctly, recheck the program’s printer selection and installation procedure. If you’re still having trouble printing, consult the troubleshooting section in Chapter 6.
Using word processors
Word processors usually let you use a fixed set of printer features by placing markers around the text to be altered. When the document is printed, the markers are recognized and translated into suitable commands for your printer. On your screen some programs show the markers; others display the text as it will
Some word processing programs also let you insert printer commands in your text. These commands may or may not be visible on your screen. This method has the advantage of allowing you to use any printer command, not just a limited set. To make use of it, however, you need to understand how to use your printer’s commands. Check the manual for your word processor to see if you can place printer commands in your text, and then see the section in this chapter on
Using spreadsheets
Although spreadsheets seldom use as many printing styles as word processors, they do have some very specific requirements.
If your spreadsheet program provides a list of printers, use the list on page
A major concern for printing spreadsheets is the width of the printer. The
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