| Set Horizontal Tabs |
Format: |
ASCII code: | ESC D | nl n.2 . . . NUL | ||||||
Decimal : | 27 | 68 | nl | n2 | . | . | . | 0 |
Hexadecimal: | 1B | 44 | nl | n2 | . | . | . | 00 |
This command allows the setting of up to 32 horizontal tabs, which are entered as nl, n2, n3, etc. (in the range 1 to 137) with the NUL character terminating the command. The tab settings must be entered in ascending order. ESC D NUL clears all tabs. The settings on power up are every eight characters. The tab settings change if the character pitch is changed, except that
| Restore Default Tab Settings |
Format: |
ASCII code: | ESC | R |
Decimal: | 27 | 82 |
Hexadecimal: | 1B | 52 |
Resets all vertical and horizontal tab settings (set by ESC B and ESC D) to their defaults.
Command Summary |