90 FOR P=58 TO 63: LPRINT CHR$(P);" "j: NEXT P 95 LPRINT
100 K=l: IF K)3 THEN A=58 ELSE A=60
110 LPRINT CHR$(27~:f'eCHR$(~)CHR$(~)CHR$(~); 120 LPRINT CHR$(27)"%"CHR$(l)CHR$(@);
15a LPRINT CHR$(128);
160 FOR X=1 TO 9
170 READ R
190 LPRINT CHR$(@)CHR$(@);
200 NEXT Z
210 DATA 0,80,170,0,47,0,170,80,0
290 FOR P=58 TO 63: LPRINT CHR$(P);" "j: NEXT P
To use this program for your own character or characters, change the DATA numbers in line 210 by substituting the numbers generated by the first program when you created your own character. If you have created more than one character, put the DATA numbers for each character on a separate line as you see in the example below:
210 DATA 112,8,~,138,116,138,8,8,112
220 DATA 56,68,146,40,13jiY,40,130,68,56
Check your work by making sure that there are nine numbers in each line and that the numbers are separated by commas. Also make the change in line 100 explained below.
This program is designed for defining up to 6 characters. Line 100 states K=l, but to define more than one character, use the total number of characters you are defining instead of the 1 in that line. You can actually define as many as 256 characters, but if you define more than six characters, you have to change a few lines in the program.
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