Note: Proportional spacing and condensed mode cannot be combined. If you select both, only proportional spacing works.
If SelecType does not work
Some application programs are designed to control all typestyle functions. These programs cancel all previous typestyle settings by sending certain software commands before printing. Because these commands cancel SelecType settings, you should use the program’s print options function instead of SelecType to select your typestyles. Therefore, if SelecType does not work with a particular application program, consult the software manual for information on selecting typestyles. Also, see the section on using the FX with application software in Chapter 4.
Enhancing Your PrintingSelecType controls the printing style of a whole document. Software commands, on the other hand, can change anything from a single character to the entire document. By using software commands, you can obtain many different printing effects with the FX printer, from arranging the text on the page to giving extra emphasis to particular words and phrases. This section shows you the features you may want to select with your software. Once you have read about the features, you can find their commands in the Command Summary in Chapter 8. Also, see the section on
Character size
Besides 10 and 12 cpi, condensed printing, and proportional spacing, software commands also offer two other options:
Using the Printer |