Serial Interface
DIP Switch 1
Switch No. | Function | On | Off | Default |
1 | Data receive error | Ignored | Print "?" | Off |
2 | Receive buffer | 1KB | 16KB | Off |
| capacity |
3 | Handshaking | XON/XOFF | DTR/DSR | Off |
4 | Word length | 7 bit | 8 bit | Off |
5 | Parity check | Yes | No | Off |
6 | Parity selection | Even | Odd | Off |
7 | Baud rate selection | 4800 bps | 9600 bps | Off |
8 | BUSY condition | Receive | Offline | Off |
| Receive |
DIP Switch 2
Switch No. | Function | On | Off | Default |
1 | Selects number of | 42 cpl//35 cpl | 40 cpl/33 cpl | Off |
| characters per line (cpl) |
| (7 ⋅ 9 font/9 ⋅ 9 font) |
2 | For internal use only (*1) | Enabled | Disabled | On |
| (autocutter) |
3 | Pin 6 reset signal | Used | Not used | Off |
4 | Pin 25 reset signal | Used | Not used | Off |
5 | PAPER OUT LED blinking | Blinks | Lights on | On |
| pattern |
6 | For internal use only (*1) | Enabled | Disabled | off |
| (Flash memory rewriting) |
7 | For internal use only (*1) | Asynchronous | Synchronous with | Off |
| (Interface synchronization) |
| clock |
8 | internal buzzer | Disabled | Enabled | Off |
*1: Do not change the settings of DIP switches