ThinConnect4 <45>
3.3.9 DTE Speed
The DTE speed also known as Terminal speed which ThinConnect4 serial ports
communicate with modem. Click on “DTE Speed” Tab, the window below will pop-up.
1. Click on the list box of “DTE Speed”. Then click pull-down arrow.
Note: The DTE speed is NOT a modem speed, which is usually referred to a telephone
line or DCE, or Modem-to-Modem speed.
2. For a start, try to select the DTE speed equal to the Modem/TA speed or one
selection higher first. This setting will ensure the ThinConnect4 can
communicate with Modem/TA. Later you may experiment with DTE setting
at higher speed. Normally, it set at three times the Modem/TA speed.