The MSX1616 and MSX3216 offer command buffering. This allows you to send multiple commands to the unit with out a delay between each command. When you send a command, the unit responds R0. This indicates a valid command executed, followed by the original command and any other requested information.
Connect input 1 to output 2 at level 1
Response from unit
[R0 MS1O02I01]
Note: You may disable serial responses using RESx command.
Auxiliary Ports 2 and 3
The two auxiliary ports can store and transmit ASCII or Hex commands to control projectors, INLINE products, or other serially controlled A/V equipment. The baud rate of the auxiliary ports is selectable from 1200 to 38,400. The baud rate, parity, and stop bits can be changed individually for each port. You can make these changes using the $GYDQFHG menu option on the LCD on the front panel or via serial control using the [CPxbpsfd] command. Flow control and duplex parameters are predefined and have no affect on ports 2 or 3. The factory default communication parameters for the projector control ports are:
Communication Parameters
Baud rate
Data bits
Stop bits
Flow control
The switcher can store ASCII or Hex command strings to an input, an output, or a preset. It can transmit these command strings out of the projector control port in two ways:
1.When an input to output switch occurs.
2.Using a serial command to force the string out, regardless of whether the switcher executed a switch.
Input and Output Codes
Each input and output can store one
Preset Codes
Each preset can store one
MSX1616 OPERATION MANUAL - v1.0 5/8/02 | 2002 - INLINE, INC. |