Fisher-Price H7184 De knop staat niet op de juiste stand Zet de knop op de, Den Rückstell-Knopf

Models: C6410 H7184

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GProblems and Solutions

FProblèmes et solutions

DProbleme und Lösungen




NProblemen en oplossingen

IProblemi e Soluzioni







EProblemas de funcionamiento y soluciones

KProblemer og løsninger


PResolução de Problemas

TOngelmia ja ratkaisuja

MProblemer og løsninger




















G Problem

F Problème

D Problem


G Probable Cause F Causes possibles

D Mögliche Ursache

G Solution

F Solution

D Lösung

N Probleem

I Problema

E Problema


N Mogelijke oorzaak

I Probabile Causa E Causa probable

N Oplossing

I Soluzione

E Solución

K Problem

P Problema

T Ongelma


K Mulig årsag P Causa do Problema

T Mahdollinen syy

K Løsning

P Solução

T Ratkaisu

M Problem

s Problem R ¶Úfi‚ÏËÌ·


M Sannsynlig årsak

s Trolig orsak R ¶Èı·Ó‹ ∞ÈÙ›·


M Løsning

s Lösning

R §‡ÛË

G Waterglobe (lights)/mobile, music/sounds do not work


G Power dial is not on correct setting




G Position the power dial to the


and swing is off



F Le réglage du bouton principal n’est pas correct



F Régler le bouton principal sur .

F L’aquarium (lumières) ou le mobile, la musique ou les


D Der Einstellungsschalter befindet sich nicht in der richtigen Stellung


D Den Einstellungsschalter auf



sons ne fonctionnent pas et la balancelle est arrêtée


N De knop staat niet op de juiste stand




N Zet de knop op de




D Aquariumkugel“ (Lichter)/Mobile, Musik/Geräusche


I Rotella di attivazione non posizionata sull’impostazione corretta


I Ruotare la rotella di attivazione sulla posizione .

funktionieren nicht, und die Schaukel ist abgestellt


E El selector de opción no está en la opción correcta



E Poner el selector en la posición .

N Waterbol (lichtjes), mobiel, muziek en geluidjes werken


K Effektknappen er ikke indstillet korrekt




K Sæt effektknappen på .



niet en de schommel is uitgeschakeld


P O botão “ligar” não está na opção correta




P Coloque o botão de ligação na posição .

I Globo acquatico (luci)/giostrina, musica/suoni non si


T Säädin on väärässä asennossa




T Käännä säädin asentoon .


attivano e l’altalena è spenta



M Strømbryteren er stilt feil




M Drei stømbryteren til .




E El acuario (luces)/móvil y la música/sonidos no


s Inställningsvredet är felaktigt inställt




s Sätt inställningsvredet i läge .

funcionan, y el columpio está apagado






K Vandkugle (lys)/uro, musik/lyde virker ikke, og


G Dead batteries





G Replace all four batteries with four, fresh “D” (LR20) alkaline batteries.

gyngen er slukket









F Les piles sont usées





F Les remplacer par quatre piles alcalines LR20 neuves.

P O Globo (luzes)/móbile, a música/sons não funcionam e







D Die Batterien sind verbraucht




D Alle vier Batterien durch vier neue Alkali-Monozellen D (LR20) ersetzen.

a cadeirinha de balanço está desligada






N De batterijen zijn leeg





N Vervang de vier batterijen door vier nieuwe “D” (LR20) alkalinebatterijen.

T Vesimaailma (valot)/mobile, musiikki/ääniefektit eivät







I Pile scariche





I Sostituire tutte e quattro le pile con quattro pile alcaline nuove formato torcia.

toimi eikä keinu heilu









E Pilas gastadas





E Sustituir las pilas por cuatro nuevas pilas alcalinas “D” (LR20).

M Vannglobus(lys)/uro, musikk/lyder virker ikke og husken







K Batterierne er flade





K Udskift alle fire batterier med fire nye alkaliske "D" (LR20)-batterier.

er stoppet











P Pilhas gastas





P Substitua as quatro pilhas por quatro pilhas “D” (LR20) alcalinas novas.

s Vattenglob (ljus)/mobil, musik/ljud fungerar inte och







T Tyhjät paristot





T Vaihda kaikk i neljä paristoa neljään uuteen D (LR20)-alkaliparistoon.

gungan är avstängd









M Batteriene er flate





M Skift ut alle fire batteriene med fire nye alkaliske D (LR20)-batterier.

R ∏ ÓÂÚfiÌ·Ï· (ÊÒÙ·)/Ô ¤ÏÈη˜, Ë ÌÔ˘ÛÈ΋/ÔÈ ‹¯ÔÈ ‰ÂÓ







s Batterierna är urladdade




s Byt alla fyra mot fyra nya alkaliska LR20 batterier (D).




























Ì·Ù·Ú›Â˜ "D" (LR20).









G Waterglobe (lights)/mobile, music/sounds turn off automatically after


G Press the reset button


to restart waterglobe (lights)/mobile, music/sounds for





seven minutes





another seven minutes.








F L’aquarium (lumières) ou le mobile, la musique ou les sons s’éteignent


F Appuyer sur le bouton de réinitialisation pour que l’aquarium (lumières) ou le





automatiquement au bout de sept minutes




mobile, la musique ou les sons fonctionnent à nouveau pendant sept minutes.





D “Aquariumkugel“ (Lichter)/Mobile, Musik/Geräusche schalten sich nach sieben

D Den Rückstell-Knopf

drücken für weitere sieben Minuten Betrieb mit





Minuten automatisch ab




“Aquariumkugel“ (Lichter)/Mobile, Musik/Geräuschen.





N Waterbol (lichtjes), mobiel, muziek en lichtjes worden na zeven minuten


N Druk op RESET om de waterbol (lichtjes), mobiel, muziek en lichtjes nog eens





automatisch uitgeschakeld




zeven minuten te activeren.







I Globo acquatico (luci)/giostrina, musica/suoni si disattivano automaticamente

I Premere il tasto di resettaggio

per riavviare il globo acquatico (luci)/giostrina,





dopo sette minuti





musica/suoni per altri sette minuti.





E El acuario (luces)/móvil y la música/sonidos se apagan automáticamente después

E Pulsar el botón de reinicio

para volver a activar el acuario (luces)/móvil y la





de siete minutos de funcionamiento




música/sonidos durante siete minutos más.





K Vandkugle (lys)/uro, musik/lyde slukker automatisk efter syv minutter


K Tryk på nulstillingsknappen

for at aktivere vandkuglen (lys)/uroen, musikken/










lydene i syv minutter mere.







P O globo (luzes)/móbile, a música/sons desligam-se automaticamente


P Pressione o botão “reiniciar”


para reiniciar o globo (luzes)/móbile, a música/sons





após sete minutos





por mais sete minutos.








T Vesimaailma (valot)/mobile, musiikki/ääniefektit kytkeytyvät automaattisesti pois

T Paina palautuspainiketta

, niin vesimaailma (valot/mobile, musiikki/ääniefektit





päältä 7 minuutin kuluttua




käynnistyvät uudelleen 7 minuutiksi.





M Vannglobus (lys)/uro, musikk/lyder stopper automatisk etter sju minutter


M Trykk på reset-knappen

for å få vannglobus (lys)/uro, musikk/lyder til å virke










i nye sju minutter.









s Vattenglob (ljus)/mobil, musik/ljud stängs av automatiskt efter sju minuter

s Tryck på återställningsknappen

för att starta om vattenglob (ljus)/mobil, musik/










ljud för ytterligare sju minuter.






R ∏ ÓÂÚfiÌ·Ï· (ÊÒÙ·)/Ô ¤ÏÈη˜, Ë ÌÔ˘ÛÈ΋/ÔÈ ‹¯ÔÈ ÛÙ·Ì·ÙÔ‡Ó/Û‚‹ÓÔ˘Ó ·˘ÙfiÌ·Ù·

R ¶È¤ÛÙ ÙÔ ÎÔ˘Ì› Â·Ó¿Ï˄˘






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Image 38
Fisher-Price H7184, C6410 De knop staat niet op de juiste stand Zet de knop op de, Seven minutes Another seven minutes

C6410, H7184 specifications

Fisher-Price has long been a trusted name in the realm of children's toys, providing innovative products that inspire creativity and promote developmental play. Among their popular offerings are the Fisher-Price H7184 and C6410, two toys designed to captivate the imaginations of young children while assisting in their cognitive and physical growth.

The Fisher-Price H7184 is an interactive playset that encourages imaginative role-playing. This model features vibrant colors, engaging characters, and sound effects that draw children in, making it a captivating addition to any playroom. With its durable construction, the H7184 is built to withstand active play, ensuring it can handle the bumps and knocks that come with energetic usage. One of its standout characteristics is its ability to stimulate sensory development through various textures, sounds, and visual stimuli, aiding in the overall growth of the child’s senses.

On the other hand, the Fisher-Price C6410 offers a different but equally engaging experience. This toy is designed to promote fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Its intricate design includes movable parts, buttons, and switches that encourage children to manipulate and explore. The use of bright colors and fun characters make the C6410 not just a learning tool, but also a source of enjoyment and excitement for toddlers.

Both toys are integrated with innovative technologies that enhance the play experience. For instance, the H7184 might include smart sensors that respond to the child’s actions, creating an interactive narrative that evolves based on their play. Features such as lights and sounds not only add to the excitement but also provide auditory and visual feedback, reinforcing cause-and-effect learning.

Safety is paramount at Fisher-Price, which is evident in the H7184 and C6410’s designs. Both toys comply with strict safety standards, utilizing non-toxic materials and rounded edges to ensure a safe play environment. This attention to safety allows parents to feel confident as their children explore and learn through play.

In summary, the Fisher-Price H7184 and C6410 stand out in the market for their focus on sensory development, fine motor skills, and imaginative play. With their combination of fun, education, and safety, these toys are excellent choices for nurturing young minds.