Freecom MusicPal
Dear User,
Congratulations on the purchase of your Freecom MusicPal. The MusicPal enables you to receive Internet Radio or play stored music files from a connected media server (UPnP).
If you are a novice in networks and routing basics, please check out Appendix "Network Basics" to get to know the terminology and processes used in this manual.
Freecom Technologies GmbH • Germany
Package Contents
Please check the package contents. Make sure it includes the following items:
•Freecom MusicPal
•Power pack
•Network cable (UTP)
•Quick installation guide
All rights reserved. The product names contained in this user‘s guide are used solely for identification purposes and may be trademarks or registered trademarks of those com- panies. This device is designed for office and home use.
Warning! This device is an appliance made according to EN 55022 class B.
Freecom shall assume no liability for damages of any kind, for loss of data or any conse- quential claims resulting thereof (including, and without restriction, claims relating to business losses, business interruptions, loss of business data or other financial damage) that result from the use of this Freecom product or improper operation of this Freecom product. This shall also apply in cases where Freecom has been notified that such claims may exist.
Subject to change as technical advances dictate.
© 2008 Freecom Technologies