Chapter 2 Installation and Connection

2)rack mounting

a)When IP-9610 is installed in a closed or multi-unit rack, the operating ambient temperature inside of the rack environment may be greater than room ambient. Therefore, the consideration should be given to operate in the environment compatible with the specifications in Appendix 2.2 Environment Specifications.

-The consideration for adjustment of the air condition like air circulation should be given to prevent the internal rack ambient from exceeding the maximum operating ambient temperature of IP-9610.

-The maximum operating ambient temperature for IP-9610: 50°C.

b)The installation of IP-9610 in a rack should be such that the amount of airflow required for safe operation of IP-9610 is not compromised.

-IP-9610 has ventilation opening at the left and rear side.-Do not cover or close these ventilation openings to prevent overheating.

c)The mounting of IP-9610 in a rack should be such that a hazardous condition in not archived due to uneven mechanical loading. To keep stability of the entire rack, please fix the rack to wall or floor by suitable means.

-Be careful about injury during installation of IP-9610 into rack.

-Do not install IP-9610 into your rack where IP-9610 may make the entire rack unstable.

-The weight of IP-9610 with the maximum configuration: 7 kg

d)If IP-9610 is supplied from the power strip or the service outlet of other units, it may overload the power supply cord of the power strip or other units.

-Confirm that the current rating of the power strip or the service outlet exceeds the combined ratings of all equipment is supplying.

-The electrical rating of IP-9610: Rated 100-240 VAC, 1.70-0.71 A, 50/60 Hz, 1 phase.

e)The reliable earthing of the rack-mounted equipment must be maintained. The particular attention should be given to supply connections other than direct connections to the branch circuit (e.g., use of the power strips or the

power distribution unit).

Note: The high leakage current may flow through the power strip earthing conductor if all power supply cords of IP-9610 are connected to one power strip. The earth connection is essential before connecting supply. If the power strip is not directly connected to the branch circuit, the power strip which has the industrial type attachment plug should be used.

2.1.3 Air flow into and out from the device

IP-9610 is forced air cooled. Be sure not to block the air intake/exhaust vents. Provide an adequate amount of space around the vents.
