Problem | Possible Causes | What To Do |
| |
My display is showing | TurboCool function is activated. • See About TurboCool for more information. | |
Water filter indicator light | This is normal. | • See About the water filter for more information. |
changed color |
Water filter indicator light | Water filter indicator must | •Press and hold the RESET WATER FILTER pad for 3 |
remains red even after | be reset. | seconds. See About the water filter for more information. |
replacing the water filter |
Water filter indicator | This is normal. This light will | •See About the water filter for more information. |
light is not lit | turn orange to tell you that you |
| need to replace the filter soon. |
| The filter cartridge should be |
| replaced when the replacement |
| indicator light turns red. |
Handle is loose / handle | Handle needs adjusting. | •See Attach the Fresh Food handle and Attach the |
has a gap |
| Freezer handle sections for detailed instructions. |
Refrigerator beeping | This is the door alarm. | •Close door. |
Control setting is not lit | On some models, the light | •If the control settings do not light up, check to see if the |
| bulbs at the top of the refrigerator light bulbs are burned out, and replace if necessary. | |
| compartment light up the |
| temperature control settings. |
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