H4959—Coolant Dispenser
Delivers a small amount of lubricant to the cutting surface to improve tool life and cutting efficiency. An absolute must for large resawing operations.
Figure 26. H4959 Coolant Dispenser.
Safety Glasses are essential to every shop. If you already have a pair, buy extras for visitors or employees. You can't be too careful when it comes to shop safety!
Say goodbye to foggy safety glasses and labored breathing, this battery powered respirator sup- plies a constant breeze of fresh air all day long. Comes with its own plastic case for clean, sealed storage. Finally, a respirator you can look forward to
Figure 28. H6175 Power Respirator.
H0580—Pneumatic Grease Gun
Greasing fittings is a breeze with this pneumatic grease
H1300 |
| H1298 |
H2347 |
| H0736 |
Figure 27. Our most popular safety glasses.
Figure 29. H0580 Pneumatic Grease Gun.
G0504 16" Horizontal Resaw Bandsaw |