Replacing V-Belts
If the belts deteriorate or break, they will need to be replaced. When replacing one belt, you should replace all of them at the same time to ensure uniform belt tension and save time.
To replace the
1.Disconnect the resaw from the power source!
2.Read the previous subsection titled “Adjusting
3.Adjust the motor mount nuts down as far as they will go.
4.Remove all three
5.Remove and replace the hydraulic pump
6.Replace the three
7.Tension the newly installed
G0504 16" Horizontal Resaw Bandsaw
Adjusting Main
Conveyor Table
The main conveyor table height can be adjusted
Before attempting these procedures, you need to have a perfectly squared up piece of stock that is as wide as possible and is at least two feet long. The wider the stock, the more accurate your procedure will be (we recommend using the maximum width that the resaw will allow). Also, you need to make sure that your blade is in good condition, the blade is tracked/tensioned properly and the blade guides are properly adjusted.
To check the main conveyor table alignment:
1.Cut a 1⁄4" slice off of your
2.Using a dial caliper, measure the thickness of the cut piece at all four corners and in even locations along the edges of the stock. As you take these measurements, write them directly on the stock, near the location where you took the measurement (see Figure 38).