Grizzly G0516 instruction manual Aligning Tailstock, To align the tailstock, See Figure

Models: G0516

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Aligning Tailstock

The tailstock on the Model G0516 is aligned with the headstock at the factory. However, at times you may wish to misalign the tailstock for certain operations; then, realign it when you are finished.

To align the tailstock:

1.Center drill a 6'' long piece of round cold rolled stock on both ends. Set it aside for use in step 4.

2.Make a dead center by turning a shoulder to make a shank, then flip the piece over in the chuck and turn a 60° point. See Figure 70.

Note—As long as it remains in the chuck, the point of your center will be accurate to your spindle axis. Keep in mind that the point will have to be refinished whenever it is removed and returned to the chuck.

Figure 70. Finished dead center.

3.Place a center in your tailstock.

4.Attach a lathe dog to the bar stock and mount it between the centers. See Figure 71.

5.Turn approximately .010" off of the diameter.

Figure 71. Bar stock mounted on centers.


Before making adjustments to the tailstock, mount a dial indictor so that the dial plunger is on the tailstock barrel. See Figure 72.

Figure 72. Adjusting for headstock end taper.

6.Measure the workpiece with a micrometer. If the stock is fat at the tailstock end, the tail- stock needs to be moved toward you the amount of the taper. See Figure 72. If the stock is thinner at the tailstock end, the tail- stock needs to be moved away from the operator by at least the amount of the taper.

See Figure 73.


G0516 Lathe/Mill

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Grizzly G0516 instruction manual Aligning Tailstock, To align the tailstock, See Figure