Error Messages Hi-Ti 640 DL Photo Printer User Manual 49
When using PhotoDésirée in Windows 2000/XP environment
Creating DC failure Memory allocation problem. Upgrade the memory of your PC to 64 MB RAM or above.
The Resolution of
the Monitor Setting
is Too Low.
Monitor resolution is set to
lower than 800 x 600 pixels.
Set your monitor resolution to be 800 X 600 or higher.
Error Message Solutions
You have no privilege to create a folder. If the PhotoDésirée is installed in the Windows 2000 environment, your
access right to folders is limited by privilege setting. To solve the prob-
lem, use a log-in ID with administrator-equivalent rights to log in.
You have no privilege to save temporary
If the PhotoDésirée is installed in the Windows 2000 environment, your
access right to folders is limited by privilege setting. To solve the prob-
lem, use a log-in ID with administrator-equivalent rights to log in.
Error Message Cause Solutions Page 49 Monday, June 24, 2002 2:46 PM