HiTi 640 DL Photo Printer User Manual Installing PhotoDésirée MiniLab Edition

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Installing PhotoDésirée MiniLab Edition
PhotoDésirée is the application where you can edit photos
for print.
1. Insert "Software CD" into CD-ROM drive. The Software
CD can be found in the package that is shipped with the
2. The HiTi Welcome window appears on the screen.
Choose Install HiTi PhotoDésirée MiniLab Edition.
3. Windows starts to copy files from the CD-ROM to the
machine. On the message box that pops up on the
screen, click Yes to place the "PhotoDésirée MiniLab
Edition" icon to be placed on the Windows Desktop.
Otherwise, click No to ignore this option.
4. To this step, the HiTi PhotoDésirée MiniLab Edition
application is installed successfully.
hiti640.book Page 15 Monday, June 24, 2002 2:46 PM