S - Pixel Ship

Pixel Ship sizes an image in proportion to its original size. It decimates the image by shipping only certain, regularly spaced pixels. For example, 4S would transmit every fourth pixel from every fourth line. The smaller number of pixels shipped, the smaller the image, however, after a certain point the image becomes unusable.

1S ship every pixel (default)

2S ship every 2nd pixel, both horizontally and vertically

3S ship every 3rd pixel, both horizontally and vertically

Example of Pixel Ship set to 1S:

Example of Pixel Ship

Example of Pixel


set to 2S:

Ship set to 3S:

U - Document Image Filter

Allows you to input parameters to sharpen the edges and smooth the area between the edges of text in an image. This filter should be used with gamma correction (see page 8-10), with the imager in a stand, and the image captured using the command:


This filter typically provides better JPEG compression than the standard E - Edge Sharpen command (see page 8-14). This filter also works well when shipping pure black and white images (1 bit per pixel). The optimal setting is 26U.

0U Document image filter off (default)

26U Apply document image filter for typical document image

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