5.2RF Baud Rate Selection
The RF Baud Rate refers to the speed at which the Base Radio and Transmitters communicate. There are three selectable settings with the quickest update times and longest communication ranges listed below:
•4.8K — Rate of 4.8 Kbaud (Update every 20 seconds)
—Range of 3000 ft (Line of Sight)
•19.2K — Rate of 19.2 Kbaud (Update every 5 seconds)
—Range of 2000 ft to 2500 ft (Line of Sight)
•76.8K — Rate of 76.8 Kbaud (Update every 1 second)
—Range of 500 ft to 750 ft (Line of Sight)
A faster RF Baud Rate will allow you to transmit more information in a certain period of time, but it will also limit your range. If you need more distance out of your Transmitters or are encountering difficulties by frequently losing communications, then select a slower baud rate or switch to a high gain antenna.
Note If you change the baud rate of the Base Radio, you must also change the baud rate of all other Transmitters that are communicating with that Base Radio.
Follow the Base Radio menu map shown in Figure
Figure 5-2 Menu Map to RF Baud Rate Setting