standard language for documents designed for viewing on the Web with a browser. They are easily identified by the file extension .htm or .html. See file extension.
hyperlink An embedded link to another document or Web site. When you position the cursor over a hyperlink (colored text or image), a small hand is displayed. When you click the hyperlink, your browser displays the new document or Web site.
icon A small picture that represents a menu command, file, program, tool, or peripheral.
Internet A worldwide collection of computer networks that are interconnected so that users can share electronic information.
ISP (Internet service provider) A company that provides access to the Internet. To use the service, you need the ISP software, a user name, a password, and access phone number(s).
maximize To enlarge the screen (or maximize the window) in a
minimize To shrink a running program window into a button on the Windows taskbar by clicking the Minimize
modem A device inside the computer that converts data from digital format to analog format so that it can be transferred through a standard telephone line to another computer. The modem in the receiving computer converts the data back to digital format.
navigate To move through a Web site or online document by clicking the hyperlinks embedded in the text or images.
network Two or more computers linked together to share resources, such as programs, files, and printers.
OS (operating system) The interface that permits a person and a computer to “talk” to one another.
peripheral An external device connected to a computer. Examples are a monitor, keyboard, mouse, joystick, scanner, printer, and digital camera.
program A set of instructions, written in invisible code, that tells the hardware what tasks to perform. See software.
RAM (random access memory) The main memory of the computer.
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