4 HP Jornada H/PC UserÕs Guide
¥ChapterÊ4, Connecting to your desktop PCÑ Provides all the information you need to install WindowsÊCE Services on your desktop or notebook PC, transfer files, and synchronize Pocket Outlook data and
¥ChapterÊ5, Staying organizedÑExplains how to use your HP Jornada to manage your calendar and address book and describes
Includes documentation on Pocket Outlook, Microsoft Voice Recorder, and the HP Jornada viewer application.
¥ChapterÊ6, Getting down to businessÑDescribes the productivity programs included with your HP Jornada: Microsoft Pocket Office (Pocket Word, Pocket Excel, Pocket Access, and Pocket PowerPoint) and Microsoft InkWriter¨, the HP Jornada backup and HP Jornada show applications, bFAXª Pro and bFIND from bSquareª, and OmniSolve from LandWare.
¥ChapterÊ7, Customizing your HP JornadaÑ Details the many ways you can add functionality to your HP Jornada by installing additional software and programs and explains how you can customize your HPÊJornada and the Windows CE operating system using Control Panel.
¥ChapterÊ8, TroubleshootingÑOffers helpful tips and procedures to follow when things do not work quite as you expected.
¥Appendix A, Ergonomic informationÑProvides important information about repetitive strain injuries and how to use your HP Jornada safely and comfortably.
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