MSG revision history
Revision | Publication date | Description |
ANovember 2009 The part number has been updated to
BSeptember 2010 Updated spare part number
Updated spare part number
Audio/ExpressCard cable. The information was updated in the following locations:
Computer major components on page 22 and Cable Kit on page 31.
Removed spare part number
on page 35.
Updated the spare part numbers for the memory. The information was updated in the following locations: Computer major components on page 22, Sequential part number listing on page 35, Primary memory module on page 67, and Expansion memory module on page 62.
Added spare part numbers for new display panels. The information was added in the following locations: Computer major components on page 22, Sequential part number listing on page 35, and Display assembly on page 85.
Added spare part numbers for new LED display bezels. The information was added in the following locations: Computer major components on page 22, Sequential part number listing on page 35, and Display assembly on page 85.
Added spare part numbers for new system boards for Russia and the People's Republic of China. The information was added in the following locations: Computer major components on page 22, Sequential part number listing on page 35, and System board on page 100.
Added spare part numbers for new WLAN modules. The information was added in the following locations: Computer major components on page 22, Sequential part number listing on page 35, and WLAN module on page 70.
Added spare part numbers for new keyboards. The information was added in the following locations: Computer major components on page 22, Sequential part number listing on page 35, and Keyboard on page 65.
Added spare part numbers for new AC adapters. The information was added in the following locations: Computer major components on page 22 and Sequential part number listing on page 35.
Added a spare part number for a new capacitative board with cable. The information was added in the following locations: Computer major components on page 22 and Sequential part number listing on page 35.