Category | Description | HP EliteBook | HP EliteBook |
| 8530p | 8530w Mobile |
| Notebook PC | Workstation |
| Windows 7 Professional 32 with Microsoft | √ | √ |
| Office 2007 Professional |
| Windows 7 Professional 32 with Microsoft | √ | √ |
| Office 2007 Ready |
| Windows Vista Ultimate 32 with Office 2007 | √ | √ |
| Ready (select regions) |
| Windows Vista Ultimate 32 with Office 2007 | √ | √ |
| Ready with WWAN (select regions) |
| Windows Vista Business 64 with Office 2007 |
| √ |
| Ready |
| Windows Vista Business 64 with Office 2007 |
| √ |
| Ready with WWAN |
| Windows Vista Business 32 with Office 2007 | √ | √ |
| Ready |
| Windows Vista Business 32 with Office 2007 | √ | √ |
| Ready with WWAN |
| Windows Vista Home Basic 32 with Office | √ | √ |
| 2007 Ready |
| Windows Vista Home Basic 32 with Office | √ | √ |
| 2007 Ready with WWAN |
| Windows Vista Business with XP Professional | √ | √ |
| with Office 2007 Ready |
| Windows Vista Business with XP Professional | √ | √ |
| with Office 2007 Ready with WWAN |
| Windows Vista Business 32 with Office 2007 | √ |
| Professional (Japan only) |
| Windows Vista Business 32 with Office 2007 | √ |
| Professional with WWAN (Japan only) |
| Windows Vista Business 32 with Office 2007 | √ |
| Personal (Japan only) |
| Windows Vista Business 32 with Office 2007 | √ |
| Personal with WWAN (Japan only) |
| Windows Vista Business 32 with Office 2007 | √ |
| Personal with PowerPoint (Japan only) |
| Windows Vista Business 32 with Office 2007 | √ |
| Personal with PowerPoint with WWAN (Japan |
| only) |
| Windows Vista Business with XP Professional | √ | √ |
| with Office 2007 Professional (Japan only) |
| Windows Vista Business with XP Professional | √ | √ |
| with Office 2007 Professional with WWAN |
| (Japan only) |
| Windows Vista Business with XP Professional | √ | √ |
| with Office 2007 Personal (Japan only) |