Monitoring System Resources
Creating System Resource Monitoring Requests
| Creating System Resource Monitoring Requests |
| ||||
| Table |
| ||||
Table | Examples of System Resource Requests |
| ||
| |
| To be alerted |
| Monitoring Parameters | ||||
| Resources to monitor |
| |
| when... | Notify |
| Value |
| Option | |
| ||||
| |||
| fewer than 5 | /system/numUsers | when value is | < | 5 |
| users are on the |
| node, for running |
| backups |
| more than 20 | /system/numUsers | when value is | > | 20 |
| users are on the |
| node, for load |
| balancing, and |
| when value |
| returns to below |
| 20 users |
| system load is | /system/jobQueue1Min | when value is | > | 7 |
| high |
| /system/jobQueue5Min | when value is | > | 4 |
| |||||
| /system/jobQueue15Min | when value is | > | 3 |
| file systems are | /system/filesystem/availMb for: | when value is | < | 50 |
| running out of | /home |
| space | /opt |
| /root |
| /stand |
| /tmp |
| /usr |
| /var |
The job queue and file system resources have the INITIAL option set to give a baseline for comparison. The job queue threshold value decreases for the longer job queues because the longer something is in the queue, the more likely it is that a node needs to be load balanced.
72 | Chapter 5 |