
Install a grouping rules file on a Group Manager system.


Add a member (a partitionable complex) to a group, with

<member_name>:<host>[,<host>]... name member_name. Specify an OS instance (host) for


each nPartition or virtual partition of the complex (do not


specify virtual machine or guest OS instances).


A member of a group must encompass all nPar and vPar


OS instances of a complex, and each OS instance specified


as a host must be accessible (ping-able) in order for the


command to succeed. When you first add a member to a


group, you are prompted for the root password for each


specified host. The password is used for initial


communication only and is not saved or stored.


If you are using the HP Virtual Server Environment (VSE),


it may be helpful to define the member_name to be the


same as the VSE complex name (which includes the serial




A member complex can be added to a group if it is not in


an exception state, if there are enough GiCAP sharing


rights available to match the number of cores without usage


rights on that complex, and if the complex's hardware is


compatible with the grouping rules and with the other


members of the group.


Specify the member name when removing a member from


a GiCAP group.


Prevents icapmanage -Qfrom attempting to exchange


SSL keys with member hosts which the new active Group


Manager cannot contact. This option allows icapmanage


-Qto be issued from a script without the script having to


deal with the possibility of root password prompts. If -n


is specified and there are member hosts which the new


active group manager cannot contact, the active manager


will not be able to use those hosts for GiCAP operations.


If a GiCAP group member has no hosts which the active


manager can contact, that member will not be able to


participate in the GiCAP group.


Remove a member from a group, remove a GiCAP group,


or remove a system from use as a standby Group Manager.


When used with the -moption to specify the member name,


removes that member from a GiCAP group. In order to do


the remove, at least one host defined for the member must


be up and the Group Manager must be able to contact it.


(To avoid potential problems, the Group Manager should


also be able to contact any standby manager that is


defined.) Note that a member cannot be removed from a


group until any borrowed usage rights are returned to the


group and any loaned usage rights are returned to the


member. Removal of a member from a group releases


sharing rights and makes them available for future use.


When used in combination with the -goption, removes


the specified GiCAP group. All members must be removed


before the group can be removed.


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HP Instant Capacity (iCAP) Specify virtual machine or guest OS instances, Specified host. The password is used for initial