Setup Menus
This dialog box is displayed by selecting HP
Local Echo
Factory default: Unselected
The setting of this option determines whether keyboard entered characters are displayed on the screen as well as sent to the host. When unselected, characters are not displayed when they are transmitted to the host unless the host 'echoes' them back.
Caps Lock
Factory default: Unselected
This determines whether the full
When this option is unselected, all 128 ASCII characters can be generated. When selected, unshifted alphabetic keys will generate their shifted equivalents. For example, the A key unshifted will generate an uppercase A, and the {, and } keys will generate [, \, and ], respectively. The key for generating ~ and ` is disabled.
XmitFnctn (A)
Factory default: Unselected
This option determines whether escape sequences generated by control and function keys are sent to the host or only to the terminal emulation.
When unselected, escape sequences are only sent to the terminal emulation. When selected, escape sequences are sent to the host. If the Local Echo option is selected, the sequences will also be sent to the terminal emulation.