The buttons along the bottom of the HP
The middle button displays the row and column position of the cursor. It has no other function.
On entering HP
The Mode Selection functions are displayed when the HP
Line Modify - F1
This function enables you to edit and retransmit an incorrectly entered command string when the emulation is in Remote mode and Character mode and you are communicating interactively with the host. This saves you having to retype the entire string again.
Note: This will not function when the emulation is in Block or
Format mode.
When the host causes an error message to be displayed indicating that the string has been incorrectly entered, press the F1 key or click the equivalent button. An asterisk will appear on the button indicating that the function is selected. Move the cursor to the line containing the error, edit the line then press Return or Enter. This will cause the edited string to be transmitted and Line Modify mode to be exited.
If after activating Line Modify mode you wish to cancel it, just press F1 or click the button again.