Setup Menus
End of Line Characters
Factory default: ^M (i.e. CR)
This text box is used to specify the characters that are to indicate the end of a line in a data block.
To change the current definition, delete the definition displayed in the text box and type in the new one, either as the control key character equivalent or the decimal value of the ASCII character.
For example, the default ASCII character CR can be entered by typing the characters ^ and M, representing the keys Ctrl + M which, when pressed together would generate the CR code.
Decimal values are entered as
Refer to the ASCII character table in the Character Sets appendix for code and decimal references.
End of Block Characters
Factory default: None
This specifies the characters that are to indicate the end of a block of data.
To change the current definition, delete the definition displayed in the text box and type in the new one, either as the control key character equivalent or the decimal value of the ASCII character.
For example, the ASCII character CR can be entered by typing the characters ^
and M, representing the keys Ctrl + M which, when pressed together would generate the CR code.
Decimal values are entered as
Refer to the ASCII character table in the Character Sets appendix for code and decimal references.