PT250 Emulation

The Status Line

The last line in the window is used to display a status line consisting of eleven fields which show the status of various operations. The following illustration shows the information that is displayed by default.










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Field 1: Will display either ONLINE or LOCAL, depending on whether the emulation is online to the host or in local mode.

Field 2: Indicates whether the input line from the main port is connected.

DSR will be displayed when the Data Set Ready (DSR) connection is active.

Pressing the Stop key to stop the host from transmitting data will cause this field to display XOFF.

When this field is blank, the connection is inactive.

Field 3: Indicates the mode of data transmission as follows:

CHAR indicates that the emulation is in Character mode in which each character is sent to the host when it is typed at the keyboard.

CNTRL indicates that the emulation is in Control Representation mode in which all received data and commands from the host or keyboard are displayed but not acted upon.

LINE or PAGE indicates that the emulation transmits data a line or a page at a time when the Enter key is pressed in Block mode.

Field 4: Indicates how many pages are in the display memory, 1 or 2.

Field 5: Indicates when in Block mode the type of data that is to be transmitted, as determined by the application.

ALL indicates that all fields are transmitted to the host.

MODIFIED indicates that only fields that have changed are transmitted to the host.

SELECTED indicates that only fields specified by the program are transmitted to the host

UNPROTCT indicates that only unprotected fields are transmitted to the host.

Field 6: Indicates the currently selected character set or graphics mode as follows:

8B indicates the 8-bit ASCII character set.

G0 indicates the 7-bit ASCII character set (default).

G1 indicates a second 7-bit ASCII character set.
