Getting Started
The Toolbar (Windows XPe)A toolbar is displayed below the TeemTalk for Windows XPe menu bar. This displays a series of buttons which provide a quick way of actioning commands or displaying setup dialog boxes when clicked.
You can redefine all the buttons and add or remove buttons from the toolbar using the Button Tools dialog box. Refer to the chapter entitled The Toolbar for a complete description of all the default buttons and how to redefine the toolbar.
The Soft Buttons (Windows XPe)A set of soft buttons can be displayed along the bottom of the TeemTalk for Windows XPe window. These can be programmed so that they perform various functions when clicked.
There are four soft button levels. Each level consists of twelve programmable buttons, providing a combined total of 48 programmable buttons. You can display all four levels at the same time if required. All levels are accessible even if not all are displayed, levels stored
The soft buttons are programmed using the Soft Buttons dialog box, which is displayed by selecting Settings in the menu bar then Soft Buttons... The setting of the Visible Levels option determines how many soft button levels are displayed. Refer to the Setup Menus chapter for information on programming the buttons.