Command and Tool Reference
NIS+ to LDAP Migration Scripts
Migrating User-Defined Maps
The LDAP directory has a special object class, nisMap, which is used to store user-defined (non-standard) maps. The migrate_nisp_nonstard.pl migration script migrates user-defined maps to LDIF file using nisMap as the object class and storing the name of user-defined map to the nisMapName location.
In order to properly support NIS+ and NIS clients during a migration period, these non-standard maps must be migrated to the directory. However, non-standard maps are generally used to support legacy NIS or NIS+ applications. Migration to LDAP should involve migration of these applications to support LDAP, as well as translation of the dependent non-standard maps to native LDAP schemas. This type of migration generally requires involvment of expert LDAP consultants.
The following command migrates NIS+ service data into the LDAP directory in one operation:
export LDAP_BASEDN=”dc=cup,dc=hp,dc=com” export DOM_ENV=”cup.hp.com” migrate_all_nisplus_online.sh