TIP: Alternatively, you can run I300appdisc.pl --aon the command line to limit the configuration change to Application Discovery.

To identify other configuration problems that may be affecting Application Discovery server, check the “Troubleshooting” notes in the Insight Dynamics help instructions, or use vseassist(1M).

2.Check that Application Discovery server is running on the CMS.

On HP-UX, type ps -elf grep amgrserver.jar on the command line of the CMS. You should see a Java process running the Application Discovery server.

If you do not see this Java process, type /opt/amgr/bin/cms_start . You must be logged in as user 'root' on the CMS to initiate this command.

On Microsoft Windows, type C:>net start on the command line of the CMS. You should see a service called Application Discovery in the list of running services.

If you do not see this service, type cms_start from any directory in the Insight Dynamics installed drive. You must be logged in as Administrator on the CMS to initiate this command.

No “Applications” icon for system listed on Virtualization Manager Visualization tab screen

[The Application Discovery icon appears on a system shown on the Visualization tab when Application Discovery agent and server are running correctly and the host system is known to Application Discovery.]

1.Check that Application Discovery server is running on the CMS.

On HP-UX, type ps -elf grep amgrserver.jar on the command line of the CMS. You should see a Java process running the Application Discovery server.

If you do not see this Java process, type /opt/amgr/bin/cms_start . You must be logged in as user 'root' on the CMS to initiate this command.

On Microsoft Windows, type C:>net start on the command line of the CMS. You should see a service called Application Discovery in the list of running services.

If you do not see this service, type cms_start from any directory in the Insight Dynamics installed drive. You must be logged in as Administrator on the CMS to initiate this command.

2.Check that the host is known to Application Discovery.

a.Click the following tabs in Application Discovery: Admin/Config, then Discovery.

b.Find the column heading “Host”. Hosts recognized by Application Discovery are listed here. If the host that you are looking for is not listed here, it may be that you need to deploy an agent on the host so that the host is recognized and inventoried by Application Discovery.

No 'by application' entry in Virtualization Manager Workload Definition Criteria drop-down

1.Check that Application Discovery server is running on the CMS.

On HP-UX, type ps -elf grep amgrserver.jar on the command line of the CMS. You should see a Java process running the Application Discovery server.

If you do not see this Java process, type /opt/amgr/bin/cms_start . You must be logged in as user 'root' on the CMS to initiate this command.

On Microsoft Windows, type C:>net start on the command line of the CMS. You should see a service called Application Discovery in the list of running services.

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HP UX Matrix Operating EnvIronment manual Check that the host is known to Application Discovery