cannot be created 57 creating 45
file systems 47, 51
LUN Configuration and Security Manager XP 16, 21, 29, 30
LUN(s) creating 29 mapping 29 security 27
LUSE device parameters 68
mount directories, creating 50
operating system(s) loading 26
LUN security for 28 multiple, fabric zoning for 28 supported versions of
parity error 58 path(s)
defining 29 worksheet 62
Performance Advisor XP 17 physical volume(s)
cannot be created 57 creating 41 creating groups 42
port(s) address 24
Fibre Channel 24 host mode, setting 21
RAID Manager command devices 19 RAID Manager XP 17
Remote Web Console 16, 19, 21, 24 resellers, authorized 8
Resource Manager XP 17
SAM (HP System Administrator Manager) configuring devices using 74 reference information 73
volume groups, setting maximum number 76
SCSI disk, Fibre Channel interface and term "SCSI disk" 17
SCSI TIP map 71 Secure Manager XP 28 security, LUN 27, 28 server support 16 SNMP configuration 19 software, optional 17 storage capacity 16 StorageWorks, supported arrays 7
system administrator, required knowledge 7 System Option Mode, setting 23
technical support 9, 59 topology, fabric 25 troubleshooting 55
error conditions 56 technical support 59
Unix, supported versions
Index | 83 |