Appendix C. NDIS 2 device driver messages
This appendix contains messages that can be received from the NDIS device driver. These messages can come from DOS and OS/2 message files. The messages are either displayed or logged to a file.
The term Port nnnnnnnn appears in several messages. It is used to identify the adapter’s instance and bears no relationship to the physical slots in the computer. If this is the only adapter, the number will be 00000000.
LA10001 IBM PCI Token-Ring Adapter, Version xx
Explanation: Information only.
User Action: None.
LA10002 The IBM PCI
Explanation: Information only.
User Action: None.
LA10003 The IBM PCI
Explanation: Information only.
User Action: None.
LA10004 Revision level xx of the adapter is incompatible with this driver version.
Explanation: The Revision ID of the adapter is not one that is supported by this version of the device driver. This correlation is enforced to ensure an appropriate match between the hardware and the device driver software.
User Action: Contact your support personnel for assistance. You might need to upgrade your adapter, use a different version of the device driver, or do both.
LA10005 A device driver initialization error occurred (failure code xx).
Explanation: An unexpected error occurred during initialization of the device driver.
User Action: Shut down the computer correctly and switch OFF the power to the machine. Restart the computer by switching it ON again. If the error persists, contact your support personnel.
LA10006 The configuration parameter xx was specified incorrectly. Its default value will be used.
Explanation: The value of a configuration parameter was incorrectly specified.
User Action: Edit the configuration file (or rerun the configuration program) to specify the correct value within the allowed range. Check the adapter installation instructions for additional information.
LA10007 The configuration parameter values have forced the internal data blocks to exceed the allowed limit.
Explanation: The combination of configuration parameters being used requires more than the
User Action: Lower the value of the MaxTransmits or MinRcvBuffs parameters from their current setting to reduce the amount of control block storage required by the device driver. Shut down and restart the computer to activate this configuration change.
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