Window / Tab




Contact Information

Provides a place to enter your name, address, telephone


number, and customer report ID (if one has previously been


assigned by support personnel). This information is printed on


the adapter information report. See “Entering contact


information” on page 41.



Adapter Information Report

Gives you access to the functions for generating a report


containing information collected about your system. The


information in this report is may be useful to support personnel


in diagnosing problems with your adapter. See “Generating an


adapter information report” on page 41.



Viewing adapter analysis information

Adapter analysis information displays on the first window that appears when you run Troubleshooting Utility Wizard. This information is also displayed on the NIC Status tab when you run Troubleshooting Utility in the expert mode.

Troubleshooting Utility analyzes your system and all token-ring PCI adapters in your system. For each adapter found, the adapter’s burned-in address (mac address) and current operating status is displayed. A summary of the operational status and suggestions for correcting problems are displayed.

Viewing NIC status

The information displayed on the NIC Status tab might help you to quickly identify a problem. The NIC Instance list box contains a list of the adapters that are found in your system. This list is obtained from the registry.

On Windows NT 4.0 systems, the token-ring PCI adapters are listed in: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows_NT\CurrentVersion\ NetworkCards. The token-ring PCI instances are listed in: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\IBMTRP.

On Windows 9x systems, the token-ring PCI instances are listed in: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Net\.

On Windows 2000 systems, the token-ring PCI instances are listed in:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\Current Version\Network Cards\# in the registry variable ’ServiceName’.

To view NIC status, complete the following steps:

1.Click the arrow beside Select NIC Instance to display a list of all NIC instances.

2.Click the instance you want to troubleshoot.

The information for the instance you selected displays in the fields. This information includes:

v MAC address. This is the address of the NIC encoded in the adapter memory at the factory. This address can also be found on the adapter card label. This is a unique address that the network software uses to distinguish the adapter from others in the network

vTransmit/Receive Test. The transmit/receive test indicates the number of packets being transmitted and received without errors by the adapter. These counters are updated approximately every 2 seconds. If the transmit and receive fields are being incremented, traffic is being processed by the adapter. If no other stations are on the ring, these counters will increment very slowly.

Chapter 4. Problem solving 39

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IBM 16/4 Token-Ring manual Viewing adapter analysis information