LA10049 The configuration parameter xx was specified incorrectly. Its default value will be used.

Explanation: An invalid value was specified for a configuration parameter in the PROTOCOL.INI file. A default value has been substituted.

User Action: Change the PROTOCOL.INI file to specify a valid value for the configuration parameter that is in error. Refer to the installation manual that came with the adapter for more information on the allowable settings for this particular parameter.

The device driver has proceeded with its initialization using a predetermined default value for this parameter.

LA10050 The NDIS 2.0 device driver was not able to register with the Protocol Manager.

Explanation: An unexpected error occurred when the program attempted to register a adapter with the Protocol Manager.

User Action: Check the drive and directory to ensure that the Protocol Manager is located in the path specified in the CONFIG.SYS file. If this error persists, consider reinstalling the NDIS 2.0 network support software.

LA10051 The configuration parameter values have forced the internal data blocks to exceed the allowed limit.

Explanation: The combination of configuration parameters being used requires more than the 64-KB memory area that is available for this adapter instance to hold its internal control information.

User Action: Lower the value of the MaxTransmits or MinRcvBuffs parameters in the PROTOCOL.INI file to reduce the amount of control block storage required by the device driver. Shut down and restart the computer to activate this configuration change.

LA10053E (DOS Only)

Device Driver could not initialize. Failure code: xx

Explanation: The device driver was not able to initialize itself. This is most often caused by conflicts between the device driver and other resources in the system.

User Action: Record this message number and the failure code and contact your support personnel for assistance.

LA10054E (DOS Only)

No adapters supported by %1 were found or adapters were not correctly configured by the machine and its BIOS.

Explanation: The device driver was not able to find any adapters that it knows about. Either the adapter is not installed in the computer, the adapter is malfunctioning, or the system BIOS has not correctly configured the adapter.

User Action: Record this message number and contact your support personnel for assistance.

LA10055E (DOS Only)

No adapters initialized correctly. xx adapters were found in the machine.

Explanation: The device driver was able to find the stated number of adapters. However, none of the adapters were successfully initialized. This message is often displayed along with one or more other messages from the device driver.

User Action: Record this message number as well as any other messages from the device drivers along with any specific failure codes in the messages and contact your support personnel for assistance.

64IBM 16/4 Token-Ring PCI Management Adapter

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IBM manual IBM 16/4 Token-Ring PCI Management Adapter