LA10042 A device driver initialization error occurred (failure code xx).
Explanation: An unexpected error occurred during initialization of the device driver.
User Action: Shut down the computer and switch OFF the power to the machine. Restart the computer by switching it ON again. If the error persists, contact your support personnel.
LA10043 No adapter instances recognized by this device driver were found in PROTOCOL.INI.
Explanation: The PROTOCOL.INI file does not have a section defined by the correct DRIVERNAME= line anywhere within it.
User Action: If you intend to run this device driver, make sure to define a valid network configuration in the PROTOCOL.INI file. If you do not intend to run this device driver, remove its DEVICE= statement from the CONFIG.SYS file.
LA10044 The NDIS 2.0 Protocol Manager could not be opened.
Explanation: An unexpected error occurred when the program attempted to open the Protocol Manager.
User Action: Check the drive and directory to ensure that the Protocol Manager is located in the path specified in the CONFIG.SYS file. If this error persists, consider reinstalling the NDIS 2.0 network support software.
LA10045 Could not find the PROTOCOL.INI file image.
Explanation: An unexpected error occurred when the program attempted to read the PROTOCOL.INI file image through interaction with the Protocol Manager.
User Action: Check the drive and directory to ensure that the Protocol Manager is located in the path specified in the CONFIG.SYS file. Verify that a valid PROTOCOL.INI file exists in the proper location. If this error persists, consider reinstalling the NDIS 2.0 network support software.
LA10046 The required DRIVERNAME parameter was not found in PROTOCOL.INI.
Explanation: The parameter specifying the driver name (DRIVERNAME) was not found in the PROTOCOL.INI file. This parameter is required.
User Action: Change PROTOCOL.INI to specify the proper information.
LA10047 The NetAddress value in PROTOCOL.INI is invalid and will be ignored.
Explanation: The value specified for the network address parameter in PROTOCOL.INI is not valid for one of the following reasons:
vInvalid local station address
vToo long
vToo short
vNot enclosed in double quotation marks
User Action: Remove or correct the NetAddress configuration parameter value. A valid value for this parameter is 12 characters long and must be enclosed in double quotation marks. For
Make sure not to set the corresponding group address bit, which is the
LA10048 An unrecognized parameter xx was found in PROTOCOL.INI.
Explanation: An unrecognized parameter was found while processing a section of the PROTOCOL.INI file defined for this device driver.
User Action: Correct the parameter name or remove it from PROTOCOL.INI. Refer to the installation manual that came with your adapter for more information on the configuration parameters.