•Check all power supply voltages, switch, and jumper settings before you replace the system board. (See “System Board Jumpers and Connectors” on page 109)
•Check the power supply voltages if you have a “system
•Check the hard disk and
•Correct the parameter settings under Disk Drives in the Configuration/Setup Utility. See “Hard Disk Drive” on page 4.
-In the Configuration/Setup Utility, check that the correct drive size is set for the flagged drive shown in the System Information. See “Viewing System Information, and Product Data” on page 17.
•Enter Configuration/Setup Utility and load default settings.
If the problem remains, check the continuity on the drive and the cable and replace it if necessary. If that does not fix the problem, replace the syste board.
005 -
•Select Diagnostics from the
•Select Interactive Tests from the
56 IBM Desktop System HMM