Beep Symptom FRU/Action
Screen initialization failed. 1.Video Adapter
(if installed)
2. SystemBoard
3. Display
Screen retrace test detected
an error.
1.Video Adapter
(if installed)
2. SystemBoard
3. Display
POST is searching for video
1.Video Adapter
(if installed)
2. SystemBoard
4 1.Video Adapter
(if installed)
2. SystemBoard
All other beep code
sequences. 1.System Board
One long and one short
beep during POST.
Base 640 KB memory error
or shadow RAM error.
1.Memory Module
2. SystemBoard
One long beep and two or
three short beeps during
(Video error)
1.Video Adapter
(if installed)
2. SystemBoard
Three short beeps during
POST. 1. See “System board
memory” on page 59.
2. SystemBoard
Continuous beep. 1.System Board
Repeating short beeps. 1. Keyboard stuck key?
2. KeyboardCable
3. SystemBoard
No beep symptoms


Type 6584/6594 computers default to come up quiet

(No beep and no memory count and checkpoint code

display) when no errors are detected by POST.
To enable Beep and memory count and checkpoint
code display when a successful POST occurs:
Enable Power on Status in setup. See “Setup

Utility program” on page 41.

Symptom/Error FRU/Action
No beep during POST but
computer works correctly. 1. System Board
84 IBM PC 300/IntelliStation Vol 3 HMM