IBM 8260 Drop Event, MAC Octet, MAC Packet, Ring Purge Event, Ring Purge Packet, Beacon Event

Models: 8260

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Here is a list of MAC statistics available under this group and their respective descriptions:

Drop Event

The number of events in which MAC packets were


dropped by the probe due to unavailability of


resources on the probe itself. It doesnt represent the


number of packets dropped but the number of times


this condition was detected. If the drop events counter


constantly increments, it is an indication that there is


more activity on the segment than can be captured by


the network probe. You may want to consider


increasing the resources on your network probe. For


instance, if you are running the RMON application on


a workstation, you may want to allocate more real


memory and disk space to the RMON application. If


you are running an RMON subset on a bridge, router,


or hub, you might want to consider offloading the task


to an external monitoring device.

MAC Octet

The number of octets of data in MAC packets


(excluding bad frames) received on the network


(including the FCS octets but excluding the framing


bits). An octet represents an integral collection of


eight bits of information.

MAC Packet

The number of MAC packets received. This excludes


packets that were not good frames.

Ring Purge Event

A ring purge event refers to one of the following



Completion of the token-claiming process

Detection of a token error such as a lost frame or token, a circulating frame, or a circulating priority token


The probe will count the number of times the ring


enters the ring purge state from normal ring state. It


doesnt include a ring purge state that comes in


response to the claim token or beacon state.


Errors caused by adapter insert/removal can also


trigger a ring purge. Adapter insert/removal


operations are normally encountered in the morning


when employees power-on their PCs to access the


LAN and when they power-off their PCs in the evening.


A baseline should be set to ignore high counts of ring


purges during hours when PCs are being



Ring Purge Packet

A Ring Purge MAC frame/packet is sent by the active


monitor to all ring stations informing them about the


occurrence of a ring purge event.

Beacon Event

This counter keeps track of beacon events. A beacon


event occurs when the ring enters the beaconing state


from a non-beaconing state. A beaconing state could


result from:


Ring signal loss error

Chapter 10. 8260 RMON Support 203

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IBM 8260 manual Drop Event, MAC Octet, MAC Packet, Ring Purge Event, Ring Purge Packet, Beacon Event