General — frequently asked questions
Why are some of the features described not available on my device?
What software version do I have on my device?
Why is there a flashing light on my device?
Can I determine how much memory each database on my device is using?
A green light indicates that you are in a wireless coverage area.
A red light indicates that a new message has arrived and your current profile is set to notify you using the LED.
An amber light indicates that the battery is low.
A blue light indicates that your device is connected to a
Why are some of the features described not available on my device?
Depending on your service provider plan or the type of account that you are using, some features might not be available on your BlackBerry® device. Also, your device might not have been provisioned for certain features by your system administrator. Contact your system administrator or service provider for more information.
What software version do I have on my device?
To view BlackBerry® device information such as your device type, software version, and copyright information, in the device options, click About. To return to the device options, press the Escape button twice.
Can I determine how much memory each database on my device is using?
Yes. In the device options, click Status. Click the trackwheel. Click Database Sizes. The Database Sizes screen displays the number of entries and the amount of memory used by each database that is synchronized with your BlackBerry® device.
Why did my settings change?
Depending on your theme, items that you have set, such as hidden icons, font options and the Home screen background image might change if you select a new theme.
Why is there a flashing light on my device?
The notification LED on the top of your BlackBerry® device flashes different colors to indicate various states.