Set voice privacy change alert

Reset call timers

Phone shortcuts

Phone — frequently asked questions

Find your phone number

In the phone, the My Number field displays your phone number.

Make phone calls

In the phone, type a phone number or select a contact. Press the Send key. To end the call, press the End key.


If the contact that you want to call is not listed, click the trackwheel. Click Call From Address Book to select a contact from your address book.

You can also make a call on the Home screen. Type the number and press the Send key.

Related topics

Add pauses or waits (See page 57.)

Can I use the phone when the device or keyboard is locked? (See page 125.)

Make emergency calls

You should be able to make emergency calls even if your BlackBerry® device is locked. If your device is not connected to the wireless network, it should connect automatically when the emergency call is initiated.