Related service information
Note: Network drivers are not automatically restored with Windows NT 4.0; you will need to reinstall them.
Note: If you use Windows 2000 or Windows 98, restart the system by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del or by turning the computer off and then on again. The computer will restart with the
Using the recovery CD
To create the service partition and install the preloaded system from the recovery CD, do the following:
To create the service partition:
1.Erase all partitions on the
2.Boot with the recovery CD (and the boot diskette if required.)
3.Following message is displayed: “Your computer originally included a Product Recovery program ...
Reinstall the Product Recovery program? (Y/N) [ ]”.
Note: If the
4.Press Y key. The service partition is created and loaded with the Product Recovery program files.
Note: If you do not want to create the service partition, press N key, and then go to step 8.
5.At next window, press Enter to continue.
vThe service partition is created. The system automatically reboots during this process.
vThe recovery process copies some files to the service partition, and PKUNZIPs others.
vFollow the prompts. You may be prompted to change CDs.
vWhen the process is complete, the system reboots. Continue to step 6 to install preloaded system.
Install preloaded system from CD:
6.Boot with the recovery CD (and the boot diskette if required.)
7.If the
Product Recovery program ... Reinstall the Product Recovery program? (Y/N) [ ]”.
v To install the service partition, go to step 4.
General descriptions 25