8. Replace the lamp door by sliding the tabs into the tab bays and tightening the
two screws.
9. Plug in the power cable, then press the Power button to turn the projector
back on.
10. Reset the lamp hour timer.
Resetting the lamp timer
If the lamp timer has reached the maximum number of hours for the projector
lamp (3,000 hours), the LED on the projector’s keypad will show a lamp error (see
Appendix B, “Troubleshootingyour setup”, on page 27). To resetthe lamp age,
simultaneously hold down the two Volume keys on the projector’s keypad for 10
seconds. At that point the LED will turn green and you can power on the projector.
You can also navigate to the Settings -> Service menu and select Lamp Reset to
reset the lamp timer.
Using the security lock
The projector has a security lock for use with a PC Guardian Cable Lock Refer to
the information that came with the lock for instructions on how to use it.
computer 1 computer 2
monitor out network
serial control
audio in
audio in audio in
audio out
computer in
1 Security lock
26 IBM iLC300 Conference Projector: IBM iLC300 Conference Projector User’s Guide