3-22 System Operation
The cursor in the display will be flashing on top of the tenths digit. You can now move the table
up or down by pressing either the up or down arrow button. If you push the button once and let
go quickly, the table will move in .1 inch increments. If you hold down the button, it will move
fluidly. To make finer moves, press the “SELECT” button to bring the cursor over to the
hundredths digit. Pressing the up or down arrow button once and letting go quickly will move the
table in .01 inch increments. Holding down the button will make it move fluidly. Practice moving
the table up and down to get the feel of it before you attempt to focus on a material. We will
explain the significance of the numbers in the display a little later on but for right now, press the
“Z” button to bring the focus carriage back into the home position.
Essentially, there are three ways to focus on your material. One is to use the focus tool, another
is to enter in the thickness of the material, and the other is to use AUTOFOCUS.
The Focus Tool Method
Place you material onto the engraving table. Visually make sure that the height of the material
will not interfere with the focus carriage when you move it over the material to set focus. Press
the “Z” button and observe the focus carriage move to the (1”,1”) position in the engraving area.
If this is not a good focus position for you, use the motion system directional arrow buttons to
position the focus carriage directly over your material. Use the up or down arrow buttons to
move the table so that the flat side of the tool can sit flat up against the side of the focus
carriage. Slowly raise the table until you observe the tool either tilting or sliding away from the
focus carriage. This will occur when the bottom edge of the focus carriage meets with the top of
the beveled edge of the focus tool. The objective is to stop the table at the point where the tool
just starts to move or tilt.
Remember, having the cursor, in the display, located on the tenths digit will move the table
quickly and having it on the hundredths digit will move it more slowly. After focus has been
established, remove the focus tool and press the “Z” button to move the focus carriage back into
the home position.