iAPX 432 Interface Processor Architecture Reference Manual
To permit the I/O controller to function in the 432 system as well as in the Peripheral Subsystem, the IP provides an environment, and operators that it executes within this environment.· The environment is embodied in the system objects that the Interface Processor recognizes and manipulates, while the operators take the form of function requests issued by the IP controller and executed by the
IP. (Like a GOP, the IP performs other operations in response to interprocessor oammunications: these are normally transparent to the AP, however.)
The standard 432
underlie all IP facilities. The IP uses the same descr
as the GOP. It performs type and ri.ghts checking identically. Addressing and protection apply to both the transfer of data through windows and the execution of functions.
IP processor, process and context objects are similar in purpose to the corresponding GOP structures, but are ~lemented somewhat
differently. Importantly, the processor and process objects are canpatible with the standard 432 processor and interprocess
oammunication facilities. The IP supports multiple process environments; a separate process can be associated, for example, with each Peripheral Subsystem device task. Each process has a single context object which defines the process's current access environment (i.e., the objects that are instantaneously accessible), and records status information.