Contained in each obj ect ' s storage descr iptor is an I/O lock which is applied by the IP when a window is opened on the object. This lock serves 'bNo purposes: first it guarantees that only one IP window can be opened on a particular 432 object at a time; second it prevents IIDvement of the object (e.g. by a memory compaction process) while it is mapped through a window.
The transfer of data between the PS and the 432 system is a three step process. First, the IP controller opens a window onto the 432 object which is to used in the transfer. In the process of opening the window the IP sets the I/O lock in the affected object. Second, the data transfer phase is entered and a PS processor transfers data
between the 432 object and the PS rnenory. Finally, when the transfer is completed, the IP controller closes the windCM and the IP clears the I/O lock in the 432 object. The storage manager in the 432 sy'stem may query the I/O lock field rut this field is not
As primitives in the IP hardware function set, two indivisible operators are provided which can be used to guarantee mutually exclusive access to,short ordinal fields within 432 objects. These tw:> operators, INDIVISIBLE ADD SHORI' ORDINAL and INDIVISIBLE INSERl' SHORT ORDINAL, apply an indivisible hardware operation to the specified short ordinal value. For instance, these operators might
be employed to provide a counting semaphore. These operators provide only the
The I/O controller, by manipulating the context of an IP process, can access the objects which are available to the process. Like a GDP, the IP allows a context to reference any obj ect for which it holds an access descr iptor • Entry access segments contain access descriptors for all the objects which may be manipulated fran a specific process's context by an I/O controller.
The Four Entry Access Segments
Of all the access segments which can be referenced from a context, the IP provides direct access to a set of four entry access
segments. The entry access segments are referenced by access descr iptor slots 4, 5, 6 , and 7 in the context access segment. Entry access segment 0, slot 4, contains the access descr iptor for the context access segment; entry access segment O.