Since the byte count and base displacement effectively predefine the transfer from the perspective of the 432 object, the IP can perform most of the required consistency checks when the window is opened. The only checks made during a transfer are direction and byte count.


From the p::>int of view of the Per ipheral Subsystem bus, a block transfer proceeds much like a randan transfer, except that, like a fast menory, the IP provides much better response time in block mode. The IP acts as a passive agent on the PS bus, all block transfer activity being driven by an active PS processor or u.1A controller. When an address reference falls within window D's subrange, the IP accepts or supplies a byte or double-byte according to the type of PS bus cycle. Note, however, that in block mode, IP acknowledgement of a write operation does not neccessarily imply that the data has actually been written into the windowed object.

The IP employs an on-chip first-in-first-out (FIFO) buffer to achieve high speed block transfers in buffered moae:--8ince a block mode transfer is predefined window D's attributes, the IP is able to optimize the transfer using the FIFO hardware assistance. The Interface Processor buffers block mode transfers to improve response to Peripheral Subsystem transfer requests and to reduce its utilization of the 432 processor packet bus.

In a block read operation, the Interface Processor pre-fetches an eight-~yteblock of data from the windowed object in one 432 processor packet rus transaction. It holds the block in an internal buffer and supplies bytes or double-bytes from the buffer as requested by Peripheral Subsystem ooscycles. When the buffer has enough free space, the IP prefetches another block.

In a block mode write operation, the IP accepts bytes or double-bytes from the Peripheral Subsystem bus and buffers them internally. When the buffer accumulates more than eight bytes, the IP post-stores an eight-byte block in the windowed object in a single processor packet bus operation.


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Intel iapx 432 manual Winoows