iAPX 432 Interface Processor Architecture Refer.ence Manual

Through its windows, an IP provides the basic ability to read and wr i te the contents of objects composed of data segments. However, using its function request facility an IP can manipulate an access descriptor which references an object. The IP can examine a complex (multi-segment) object, gaining access to its (X)fT1pOnent segments.

It can perfo~ type and rights manipulation on both hardware-recognized typed objects as well as software-recognized

types. When manipulating software-recx:>gnized types, an I/O oontroller is acting as a type manager and its actions trust be coordinated with the 432 type manager which has created the object.

The Interface Processor provides the I/O cOntroller with both

process and processor communication facil i ties. I nterprocess conmunication is asynchronous and is performed with the ai.d of ports, system objects which provide synchronization and queuing for messages. Any object may be sent as a message from a process to a port. Interprocessor communication messages are predefined. Some of them apply to all classes of 432 processors, and others are specific to a parti.cular class (e.g., IP or GOP) of processor. The I/O oontroller can send one of these messages to an individual processor, or it can broadcast a message to all processors in the 432 system.


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Intel iapx 432 manual