88 Ion Operations Manual
Fixture Creator
Ion provides you with the ability to create your own fixture type within patch and store it with your
show file. You can name the fixture, assign all necessary parameters, define the address and
operational range of those parameters, and set lamp controls.
The fixture creator is accessible from patch. Once a fixture has been created, it is stored in the
show file. It is not added to the fixture library. If you want to use the created fixture in another show
file, you will need to use merge. See “Merging Custom Fixtures into a New Show File” on page92.
To open the fixture creator:
Step 1: Press [Displays]> {Patch} to open the patch display.
Step 2: Press the {Fixtures} softkey. This will open a list displaying those same fixtures that
are currently patched. This is the fixture creator.

Creating a New Fixture

New fixtures are created from the fixture creator list in the CIA (see above). You can either create
a new fixture, or copy an existing fixture to edit. See “Copying a Fixture” on page 92.
To create a new fixture, press {New}. A new fixture will be added to the fixture list.

Name New Fixture

Once the new fixture appears in the list, it is recommended that you name the fixture you are about
to create.
To name a fixture in the creator list:
Step 1: Use the [Page] keys, mouse, or touchscreen to select the new fixture.
Step 2: Press [Label] or {Type}. You can press [Label] twice to clear the name. The virtual
keyboard will open in the CIA.
Step 3: Enter the desired name for the new fixture on the virtual (or attached alphanumeric)
Step 4: Press [Enter]. The name will appear in the “Type” column for the new fixture.

Add parameters

After naming the fixture, you can specify which parameters the new fixture contains.
To add parameters to a new fixture:
Step 1: Use the [Page] keys, mouse, or touchscreen to select the new fixture.