6Basic Manual Control 119
Min and Max
{Min} and {Max} are displayed when the parameter is linear, such as a shutter. Use these keys to
set a minimum and a maximum setting for a parameter.
Next and Last
{Next} and {Last} are displayed when the parameter is segmented such as a fixed gobo or color
wheel or a color scroller. Use these keys to increment or decrement in full frames.
The {Mode} key is provided to select different modes for the encoder wheel such as rotate, index,
or special effects.
When more than two modes are available, the {Mode} key can be pressed repeatedly,
advancing through the various modes. Each mode will display beneath the current
parameter setting.
When only two modes are available, the alternate mode is indicated instead of a
{Mode} key. Toggling that button switches the encoder wheel to the alternate mode.
The {Flip} button, available in the Pan/Tilt section of the encoder LCD, is used to flip the unit into its
exact same position, but from the other direction. Depending on the current values of pan and tilt,
there may be multiple flips.
Trackball On/Off
The {TrckbllOn/Off}, as displayed in the Pan/Tilt section of the encoder LCD when either the pan
or tilt encoder is held down, is used to give pan and tilt functionality to a mouse or trackball
device.When this function is turned on, above the CIA will be a message saying “Cursor as Pan/

Multiple Encoder Control

When parameters require more than one encoder for full control, the encoder LCD provides
indication that the encoders are related to each other by name. Typically, additional modes will load
on other pages but will reference the master parameter unique name. If there are multiple instances
of a device in a single channel (such as two fixed gobo wheels or two color wheels, etc.), each
device will load onto separate encoders.

Form Control

Form (a subcategory of Beam) collects the parameters that affect the quality of the beam, including
the iris, edge, frost, etc. ‘Shutter’ and ‘Image’ are the other two subcategories of Beam.
When the [Form] encoder page button is selected, the LED will illuminate and the encoders
automatically populate with the “Form” parameters as specified in the show patch. If there are more
parameters in the show patch than will fit on the first page of the encoders, press the [Form] button
again to page through the remaining parameters in the category or press [Form] and a page
number to jump to a specific page.
The form parameters may include:
Edge - controls the hard and soft qualities of a spot luminaire. While some fixtures may call
this parameter “focus”, it is always represented as “edge” in Ion, to avoid confusion with
“Focus” which refers to pan and tilt data. These values are set to the system default value for
the selected luminaire, but may be modified as required on a per fixture basis.
Iris, Zoom, Strobe and IMF- each parameter has in/out, narrow/wide, or fast/slow settings.
Iris and Zoom also have programmable limits, called in/out and narrow/wide respectively. The
strobe mode setting varies based on the fixture type.